How can we support

I'm very excited to be able to bring you a highly personalised consultancy experience, working in close partnership with your organisation to develop the trust you would expect from someone with over 20 years professional experience in this field.

All data controllers, no matter how big or small, have a lawful duty to comply with both data protection law and, where marketing to supporters, customers and clients, the privacy and e-communications legislation (PECR for short).

When you are a small charity or business this can time consuming if not baffling... but don't worry, the Data Protection Lady can help..

data protection audits and Maturity assessment

The starting point is that you may not know what you don't know... The Data Protection Lady can:
  • work with you to develop a visual dashboard of your data protection maturity against a 10 point framework.
  • make pragmatic recommendations, based on your risk appetite, of key steps for improvement.
  • help develop in-house solutions that are practical to implement.

website compliance

With the Information Commissioners Office publicising that it is going to start taking action against non-compliant website owners, how do you know if yours would be exempt from action? Did you know that any data, not just identifiable data, needs consent to be shared via cookies?

For a fixed fee the Data Protection Lady can offer:
  • a initial hour long consultation to understand your business model and existing activities  ​
  • a limited page cookie scan of the data that your website shares via cookies and tracking technologies - are the cookies on your website haemorrhaging someone’s data illegally? ​
  •  to review how you collect customer data through your website to support further engagement with your business​
  • an assessment your transparency and published privacy notices – making them understandable for your customers
  • ​a post review consultation and summary report