Data protection training tailored to you

Subject Access Requests

Do your employees know how to manage a Subject Access Request from customers, or supporters of your charity or even your staff members themselves? The Data Protection Lady will deliver customised training reflecting your organisational structure to ensure that you can meet the challenge.

Data Protection and Gdpr training

Why should data protection training not be a team event?Learn about the DPA 2018 and the UK GDPR whilst playing giant snakes and ladders.
Need something less generic? Beverley can tailor delivery and content to your organisational requirements.

Data sharing and dpias

Need to share data but don't know how to do this lawfully? Beverley can guide you through the process of completing an Impact Assessment and setting up appropriate information sharing agreements

data breach management

Most data breaches affecting charities and small businesses aren't as a result of being hacked by nefarious groups... they are the result of busy people only half concentrating because their mind is on the next activity. Very few people start work in the morning with the intent of creating a breach. This practical training session will walk you through typical breach scenarios, advise you on what action you need to take, help you decide on whether it needs reporting to the regulator (the ICO) and what advice you may consider sharing with the data breach subjects.